Pride and parody 


On still more earlier experiences with Finns, and on the hijacking of the struggle for LGBT rights by radical antisemitic neo-marxists.

In the previous blog post, I described those encounters with the more obnoxious racist Finnish gay men. Some guys were more willing to get to know better.

I will begin with Timo (name changed). Timo was a deeply closeted medical doctor, a couple of years older than I. For our second date, we went to a bar (a "straight" bar, of course). For several hours he tried to convince me that "the Jews are not a real nation" and that "Israel is an artificial construct", or some nonsense to that effect. The evening became increasingly tedious, as I was repeating the same responses, and he was getting drunker and drunker.

In retrospect, now I know that he was simply reciting antisemitic Soviet propaganda, fed to him by Finnish media and Finnish pseudoscience. Recall that he was a medical doctor. So, supposedly, an educated person. A year or so later, I did meet another medical doctor. He was also very much closeted, afraid for his job and career. That was Finland, at least ca. 2010 – apropos pinkwashing.

But enough with the Timos. Next is Juha (again, name changed). Juha was one of the very first guys that I got to know in Finland. We met a few times. On one occasion, when we were meeting for dinner, he brought with him an article from Helsingin Sanomat (Finland's main daily newspaper) about the ultraorthodox jews in Israel and the demographic and economic challenges that Israel faces, concerning them. I laughed and brushed it aside, saying "yes, I know all about that". But I could not help but wonder, if he would bring an article about the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq, were he meeting an American guy, or a piece about Hong Kong democracy or occupied Tibet (does anyone remember Tibet?! That's a boomer's thing, I guess) to dinner with a Chinese guy.

Again, in hindsight, Finnish media does infect the populace with an image of Israeli society as a monolithic mass of brainwashed militarists. This is part of the lazy antisemitic dogma of "universal oppressors" (aka Jews) vs. "universal victims" (aka Palestinians), to which Finnish media and parts of Finnish academia subscribe. So Juha may have just had the misguided intention of trying to "educate" me. Similarly to that conversation with the student that I described in part 1.

Looking back at those experiences, I can now conclude that neither Timo nor Juha were really interested in me as a friend and/or partner. I was more of an Eliza Doolittle project to them (I guess no one younger than 45 would get the reference). Once I have proven resistant to conversion, they lost interest. No embassy ball for me. I did bump into Juha some years later in a gay club. He only said "you're still here?!".

Of course, I did get to know other guys, who were more fun. Whatever they thought of Israel or Israelis, in general, they kept to themselves, and were able to interact as one individual human being to another. But the examples of Timo and Juha do demonstrate, how entrenched anti-Israel and antisemitic views are among (supposedly) well-educated Finns, and how easily they affect interactions among individuals.

My final example will also serve as a segue to the second half of this blog entry. During my first couple of months in Finland, I tried to connect with the local gender minority, to which I presumed to belong, by attending the LGBT student group at the University of Helsinki.

In hindsight, it was a recipe for disaster from the get go, given the culture gap, given the age gap and, most importantly, given the science gap (or Two Cultures gap, sensu Snow 1959) — I coming from the "hard" sciences, they belonging to the "softest" least (even anti-) scientific corners of academia. Already on my first time there, I was dubbed a "Wandering Jew". I laughed it off and explained that this term has unpleasant connotations.

But the real injury happened weeks later, on my first gay pride in Finland. During the traditional post-parade fest at Kaivopuisto, I sat down, for a while, with the same student group. The topic of the conversation, at some stage, staggered to the very drunk people on Helsinki's streets. Being new to Finland, it was still somewhat of a novelty for me. At that point, one student, with whom I had never communicated before, burst into the conversation, describing in a joyful voice and face, how a girl "got blown to bits" by a terrorist attack in Israel, and how "they had to pick pieces of her" from all over the street.

I decided not to ruin the Pride mood further by starting an argument with a child, and so did not reply. I sat with them for an additional polite number of minutes, then said goodbye and moved to explore the event by myself. I have never returned to that LGBT student group again — rejoicing in murder is a red line for me.

Presumably, that moronic child was waiting for an opportunity to give a "Zionist oppressor" a piece of his magnificent mind. That he would choose Gay Pride to say that to a fellow gay person speaks volumes about the real attitudes, motivations, methods and character of such "politically active" "social justice warriors" within the LGBT community, who so often profess to be the banner holders for "tolerance", "humanism", "solidarity", "inclusiveness" and, particularly in this case, "safe spaces". But then, Jews are an exception — no "safe space" for them.

Again, it is a prime example of the antisemitic dogma of "universal oppressors" vs. "universal victims", to which Finnish activism and academia subscribe. Under this dogma, all Israeli Jews are oppressors — all of the population, children, elderly people and families included. That is exactly the line of argument of genocidal terrorist groups: no separation between civilians and soldiers, because all Israeli adults have been to army; Even children will grow up to be soldiers, so they are legitimate target as well.

In addition to being extremely antisemitic, it is also very lazy, and in a Finnish context doubly so. I can easily imagine a Kremlin propagandist making similar assertions, that there can be no separation between army and civilians in Finland because all Finnish men go to army, and all Finnish children would grow up to go to army. But then Finnish activists and academics are incapable of thinking that far.

So I was not too surprised at the rejoicing in the barbaric torture, murder and kidnapping of Jewish babies, toddlers, children, youth, elderly people and families, on October 7th 2023, among Finnish youth, on Finnish social media, and in leftist and LGBT activist circles. Which brings me to the second part of this blog post.

To be continued...